Childhood Fitness is a Hop, Skip, and a Jump

childhood Fitness for Toddlers

You may wonder what you can do about fitness for small children.  You can’t take them to the gym. They are not going to do the couch to 5k challenge.  Crossfit is definitely out of the question.  Don’t fool yourself there is plenty to do for childhood fitness for kids in the first stage of fitness (0-5 years).  


It all starts with play between birth and 5 years of age.  Let them play, run, climb and explore.  The more freedom you give them to do this the more they will want to be active.  Now try to put them in environments that are rich in movement stimulants.  Playgrounds are an excellent place to provide a wide variety of obstacles to play on. Also look for unique items to climb, jump and balance on.  Some unique items may be railroad tracks, sidewalk edges, trees that are appropriate to climb and large rocks.  

Sometimes you should do guided free play.  This is when you have them outside and make suggestions or challenges for them.  You may ask them if they can perform certain moves like hopping, skipping and jumping.  Show them how to bear crawl or crab walk and challenge them to do it like you.  Maybe have races that are fun but not forceful.  Let them take the lead and you are just there to make suggestions.


Make sure they have active toys.  It is important at this age to have a variety of balls and riding toys.  Strider bikes are a great way for kids to learn balance.  Big wheels help promote pedaling. Have cones and pylons so you can set up obstacle courses.  I have never met a young child who didn’t like a fun obstacle course.  

Modeling and Exposure

Lastly, make activity a fun priority in your house.  Kids learn lifestyle early.  If you are modeling a healthy lifestyle and exposing them early to activity and movement it imprints the importance in their minds early.  Let them see you being active and let them workout with you. Setting an example not only helps your child’s fitness but also your own!

Posted on February 14, 2024 by

Dr. Jon

Dr. Jon has been a pediatrician for over two decades. He has helped numerous kids achieve their fitness goals during that time as a pediatrician and as a sports coach. He and his wife have four active kids and presently two active grandkids. In his free time he enjoys running, biking, being outdoors and walking with his wife.