In this Episode we discuss the stages of Childhood Fitness. As children develope phyisicaly and mentaly they progress through stages of fitness.
Stage one 0-5 years. At this stage they are developing basic skills that all other movments will be based on. Most of these skills are learned through play. Free play with repetition is the most important activity that parents can provide.
Stage two 6-10 years. At this stage they understand mental concepts that allows them to play organized activities and team sports. This for many kids becomes a major driver in their fitness. They still need a large amount of free play and outdoor time to develope their fitness.
Stage three 11-14 years. Kids are starting to take two paths. Either athletics and organized activites are becoming a larger part of their identity or they are dropping out of organized sports. This is when it starts to become more important for parents to be good role models and to attemp to help kids mentaly, and financialy to continue an active lifestlye.
Stage four 15-18 years. Many kids are deeper into school and travel sports and need continued support. Other kids are finding activities with family and frineds. Both groups need support as they are getting close to transitioning to adulthood. The hope is that by this time you have created a culture of movment and activity in your houshold and it is a habit for your child to be fit.
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