Let’s talk about being outdoors during the winter months. While I know your child will spend less time outdoors during the winter, they still should have some time outside. First off, take advantage of any atypical warm days. If you see on the weather app that a warmup is approaching make sure the calendar is free so that your child can take advantage of it. There are not too many things worse in the winter time than seeing a warmer sunny day go by and not being able to be outdoors.
Staying Warm
It doesn’t have to be warm to be outside during the winter. There are two key pieces of advice to help your child overcome the cold weather. The first is to make sure they have enough clothes. Socks, scarves, face coverings, sock hats are necessary accessories. They also need layers on their body. Snowsuits and coveralls that are water resistant can be very helpful in keeping your child warm enough to play outside. Sometimes finances can be tight and extra clothes may be difficult to come by. This is where Christmas comes in handy. Give winter clothes as a Christmas gift. Take it from a kid who did not have all the needed materials to play in the snow, they will appreciate the gifts. It’s your job as a parent to make sure your child has the ability to be outside during the winter.
The second important part of staying warm outside when it is cold is to keep moving. Movement warms our bodies up and movement is why we want them outside. Sometimes as a child plays outside they get warm enough that they take some articles of clothes off. It’s ok. Kids know their comfort level. Let them decide how many layers are right for them.
Outdoor activities
So what type of activity do we do outside during the winter and what type of activity do our kids do in the snow. The first is obvious: sledding. Kids love to sled. Find the place in your community where people go when there is snow. Often when there are more people around the more fun your kids will have and the less they will feel cold. Some of the greatest winter memories are sledding. With sledding there is running and hill climbing. Often kids love it so much they stay for hours. This can be a great way to develop stamina without kids even knowing it. My advice is to buy sleds before snow is on the forecast. Often when the snow comes, sleds are sold out quickly.
Some outdoor activities happen more in areas with sustained snow. I am talking about skiing, snowboarding and snow tubing. If you live in an area where this is available take advantage of the opportunity. If you don’t live in such an area then plan a trip during the winter to someplace that offers these alpine activities. Also people cross country ski or snowshoe in areas with more snow. Of all the activities available, I have read that cross country skiing may be the highest calorie burner; more than running or swimming.
Be inventive with outdoor play during the wintertime. When my kids were younger we loved playing football in the snow. I would make a field in the snow and we would have cones for the endzone. It was so much fun. We often would play during the night. The beauty of snow football is that the snow made tackles not hurt so much. Walking during the winter can be adventurous. A walk in a snow filled woods changes the experience. Keep moving to maintain warmth but at times stop and enjoy the stillness of snow on the ground. I recently read on a website presented by the Alaskan Health Department that they recommended walking in the winter during the night to look at Christmas lights. As a parent you can find things that are interesting for your kids.
Being outdoors during the winter can help make your children tougher. When they learn to overcome the elements they develop confidence that they can overcome challenges. I often hear parents in the office say that it is too cold to be outside. I feel sorry for these children because they are being told that they have limits. I want kids to live life actively and without limits.
This winter let’s make it a point to increase our kids’ fitness. Not only are you helping them physically and mentally but you will probably help them have more fun.