Childhood Fitness and Body Composition Basics

This episode is the basics of body composition.  Body composition is the percent fat that a persons body contains.  It is rarly actually measured but we can get a good estimate of healthy versus unhealthy body composition from observation and the measurement of weight and height.  With both of these measurments we can calulate BMI or body mass index. These data points give a frame of referance for our children’s body composition and are good tools to observe change and progress over times. 

It is a well known foact that body composition is a key driver in our health.  Negative body composition can lead to cancers, heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure.  It can cause our bodies immune system to not work well and can lead to mecchanical problems like joint disorders and sleep apnea.  

Negative body composition can hinder fitness by inhibiting endurance, decreasing range of motion and decreasing speed and jumping ability.  

An unhealthy body compisition developes from a negative energy balance that comes from taking in more calories than we burn over a period of time.  

For more information visit the Center for Childhood Fitness at



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