It is the middle of July and the Weather Channel continues to report record heat across the country. Many places in the U.S. have had record heat with temperatures in the triple digits. Many cities have had what seems to be constant heat advisories. With all of this Heat how do we keep kids active?
First let me describe why it is important to be active during the summer. The positive side of this explanation is that kids have more free time during their time off school. This is a time they can be more active than during the school year. They should definitely be getting more steps each day. With this free time kids can also be exposed to new and different forms of activity. Kids can try sports that they may not have time for during the school year. Yard sports like croquet, badminton, and wiffle ball are examples of activities kids can be exposed to during the summer. Also sports like frisbee golf, ultra frisbee, pickleball and street hockey are sports that your kids may have time for during the summer that they may not be able to do during any other time of the year.
The alternate reason to be active during the summer is to prevent your child from developing unhealthy habits during this time. I see some kids who spend less time being active during the summer because “it is too hot”. After a few months of being mostly indoors they are now used to playing video games trhoughout the day and snacking out of boredom. Then these habits may continue even when summer is over. Finding ways to get your child more active during the summer can prevent this type of “habit creep”.
This leads to the question of how do we get our kids to be more active during a time when it is uncomfortable or even dangerous to be outside. We know that kids are healthier and happier when they have the ability to move and to be outside. Our job during the middle of summer is to find ways to facilitate healthy behaviors. During the summer it will take a bit more effort and thought to make this happen. It comes down to two basic strategies. The first strategy is to find activities inside and the second is to figure out how to be outdoors during these times when the heat is oppressive.
Indoors activity during the summer
Let’s first talk about indoor activities. I think air conditioning is one of the three greatest inventions of all time, so let’s make use of it as we are trying to keep our kids fit. Some indoor activities are obvious. Some kids will play basketball or volleyball during the summer even though these are not summer time sports. Often you can find summer leagues or summer training sessions that you can sign up for. Then there are indoor sports that are often done throughout the year. These include martial arts, gymnastics and dance. You can also find other activities that may not be sports but are great ways to get moving while indoors. I’m thinking of things like roller skating, ice skating, and rock climbing. Gym memberships are also a way to stay active while not burning up in the heat of summer.
Outdoor Activity during the summer
The last piece of advice would be to continue to get outside. This may sound crazy if you live in an area that has temps 90 or above and heat indexes over 100, but if you plan ahead you can still get a good amount of outdoor time. First off, start by making sure your child has plenty of hydration. Water is the best but sports drinks can be very useful also. Have your child drinking throughout the day and not just when they are outdoors. Next choose the time that is right to be outside. In most places in the United States you can get a few hours in the morning or afternoon that are not as sweltering as mid day. Arrange your schedules appropriately and wake up early enough to take advantage of these times. And lastly limit your exposure to the extreme heat. Be outside for 10-30 minutes at a time. Your child will survive such a limited time and in the end it will make them a more rugged person.
The heat that summer brings is not enjoyable for most of us and can limit our children’s fitness. But if we plan well enough and get creative our kids can grow their fitness even in the face of record heat. Also try to make it fun. Include water activities. Pools, sprinklers, and waterslides make the summer heat more bearable. Popsicles are also a cheap way to make the outdoors fun. They can help some with hydration and can also make a child feel cooler. Remember, if we want our kids to be fit they have to “MOVE IT”.