

  • We will drink 16 oz. of milk per day.
  • We will move to a lower fat milk.
  • We will drink no more than 12 oz. sugary drink/day.
  • We will not drink sugary drinks daily.
  • We will only drink water and milk at home.
  • We will only take water to games and practices.
  • We will not buy soda at home.

Adding Nutrition

  • We will offer at least one fruit of veggie with each meal.
  • We will try one new fruit or vegetable or try a new dish with a fruit or vegetable each week.
  • We will have more color in our meals.
  • We will only eat fruits, vegetables or protein before bed.
  • We will only eat fruits, vegetables or protein between lunch and dinner.
  • We will take our own lunch to school if our school lunch choices are not healthy.
  • We will eat ___ (your choice) servings of fruits and vegetables per day.  Five fruits or veggies per day are the ultimate goal.
  • We will eat lean proteins like turkey, chicken (baked, broiled or grilled) lean beef or lean ham.

Creating a better relationship with food

  • We will only eat in the kitchen or dining room.
  • We will eat at least ___ (your choice – the more the better) meals at the table as a family each week.     
  • We will fix meals as a family.
  • We will go to the local farmers market.

Decreasing Energy Intake

  • We will only eat one serving of grains when available.
  • We will not eat sugary cereal or limit how often we have it.
  • We will not eat fried foods.
  • We will not have cookies in the house.
  • We will not have chips at the house.
  • We will limit ourselves to one snack cake per week.
  • We will not eat between lunch and dinner.
  • We will only eat out ___ (your choice – less is better) times per week.        
  • We will not buy snacks at convenience stores or the check-out lanes.
  • We will not buy any food or drink at the ballpark or limit it to one item.
  • We will not buy extras at the school cafeteria.
  • We will not buy convenience foods at the store.  These are high calorie high proceced foods that are usually frozen and are warmed up in the microwave or oven.
  • We will not overeat at meals and try to be more intuitive about when we are full.