Sports Should be a Positive Experience

Organized sports should be a positive experience for all kids.  As parents we play an important role in ensuring that. Unfortunately, we sometimes take the enjoyment out of it simply with our words. I may not have always got this right but, I can tell you what I have learned as a parent of four athletes. First, leave coaching to the coaches. We want so desperately for our kids to 

succeed, that we inject advice and instruction at the wrong times.  Right after the game, in the parking lot, is not the time to give your opinion about how your child played.  As a matter of fact, any criticism at all is never a good idea.  There is no need for a play by play critique of the game. You might even think it’s ok to start the conversation by saying “You played good, but if you could have only…”  Even though you are  leading the conversation with a positive, your child only hears the negative. Most importantly, don’t base your response to the game solely on points scored, goals made or  tackles etc. This isn’t how success is measured. The two things that the player can always control is effort and attitude and this should be what is encouraged. How do you know if your child is giving maximum effort? They will be the first to the ball in soccer. They will run through the finish line at a race or make that diving attempt to get to a ball in tennis.  

Now let us move on to what we should do.  Make sure your child knows that you are always proud of them. Side note: this should be applied to every aspect of their life.  Positive parents lead to positive kids. Your attitude can be contagious and can encourage your child to be a team player and show leadership.  If you take nothing else away from this blog, remember the most important words you can say to your child after the game is “I loved watching you play today!” Make sports a memory you and your child can look back on fondly. They will be thankful that you provided them with memories that will last a lifetime.  A great motto to start saying before games is “PLAY HARD- HAVE FUN!”

Posted on October 19, 2023 by

Dana Voyles

Dana has raised four active children who played various sports during their time in school. She presently has two active grandkids. She is a board member on the Warrick Parks Foundation. Dana loves being outside and enjoys running, walking and living an active lifestyle.