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Individual and Family Activities
- We will schedule weekly family walks.
- We will schedule weekly family bike rides.
- We will go for a hike once per week.
- We will go to the park ___ (your choice) times per week.
- We will buy a new ball or sports equipment.
- We will buy a fitness tracker.
- We will set a step goal.
- We will do physical activity ___ (your choice) times per week.
- We will do physical activity ___ (your choice) minutes per day.
- We will join a gym.
- We will schedule time to go to the gym as a family.
- We will learn a new sport/activity.
- We will be outside anyday the weather permits.
Organized Activities
- We will sign up for swimming lessons.
- We will sign up to run/walk a 5K as a family.
- We will sign up for a sport.
- We will sign up for a fitness class.
- We will join scouts or a similar group.
- We will sign up for martial arts.
Lifestyle Changes
- We will plan some days without screens.
- We will not have a TV in our child’s room.
- We will not have a video game console in our child’s room.
- We will have a standard bedtime and routine.
- We will attempt to get at least 8 hours of sleep per night.
- We will keep an activity journal/log.
- We will not have screen time while the weather is good.
- We will set limits on video games.
- We will get up and move if we have been sitting for 30 minutes.
- We will limit screen time to 2 hours per day.
- We will limit screen time to one hour per day.